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Coronavirus Response

Lumi Holdings Ltd.

Last updated: 17 March 2020


1.   Introduction
2.   Statement from Lumi
3.   Hybrid and Virtual Meetings
4.   Hygiene Practice
5.   Employee Travel History
6.   Information Security
7.   Contacting Us
8.   Document Revision History
9.   Document Classification

1.  Introduction 

This public document is provided for our customers, partners, any third parties and users of our products.  It includes information and guidance around how we are preparing to maintain service or provide alternatives to our customers in response to the current global outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Due to the fast-changing nature of the pandemic, this document is reviewed and updated regularly.  Please contact us to ensure you have the most up to date version.


1.1. Business Continuity Plan & Disaster Recovery

Please note that whilst related, this document is separate to our formal Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity Plans.  These documents are not publicly available but may be shared with approved parties.  If you require more information or have any specific questions then please contact us.


2. Statement from Lumi 

We have formed an emergency ‘committee’ and have assigned key, senior personnel with the tasks of managing our coordinated response to the Coronavirus outbreak and are monitoring the situation daily.

Of utmost importance to us is the health and wellbeing of our employees, the customers and partners they work closely with and the many thousands of shareholders, members, attendees or delegates which form the backbone of our business.

2.1.   Global Operations

We have offices in the following locations;

  • - Breukelen, The Netherlands
  • - Brussels, Belgium
  • - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • - Hong Kong
  • - Liphook, United Kingdom
  • - London, United Kingdom
  • - Melbourne, Australia
  • - Minneapolis, United States
  • - Montreal, Canada
  • - Paris, France
  • - Pretoria, South Africa
  • - Singapore
  • - Sydney, Australia

All of our regional teams are well equipped and prepared to continue normal delivery of service across all of our product range.  We hold stock and base experienced professionals in all of our offices. As a starting point we see this as an advantage, given we have natural separation of people and equipment within our operations.  The nature of our business means that our people and equipment move regularly to where meetings and events take place.  We are maintaining a database of travel history (see below section for more information) in order to be able to provide that data where necessary but also to be able to enforce separation of people if necessary should the situation deteriorate.  Moreover, again if necessary, we can keep people entirely isolated and equipped to run entirely virtual meetings anywhere in the world from anywhere in the world, should our customers need to.


2.2.   Advice from Relevant Authorities

We have offices in 11 countries, but working alongside our partners and customers deliver our services in most parts of the world.  To be best prepared and ensure recommended practices are adhered to wherever possible, we are currently following the advice as issued and adhering to the rules as enforced by the respective authorities in the countries listed above.  We are checking this advice daily as major changes are being made on a very regular basis.


3. Hybrid and Virtual Meetings

Before the World Health Organisation (WHO) reclassified COVID-19 as a pandemic, the majority of meetings which Lumi conducted were entirely physical with no remote attendance.  However, we are setup to facilitate hybrid meetings where a physical meeting can ‘add-on’ remote attendance.  We are also able to take one step further and facilitate an entirely virtual meeting where all hosts and participants dial in remotely and there is no physical site at all.

At the time of publishing this document, many regions have already applied severe travel restrictions and limitations on capacity of meetings and gatherings of people.  This means that the options or possibilities of holding a physical, or even hybrid, meeting may not be feasible.

Up until recently, our recommendation to customers was to opt for a hybrid meeting, as it would keep all options open.  More importantly, it meant that a notice of meeting can include details for how participants can attend remotely.  In this instance a company would maintain the ability to resort to an entirely virtual meeting, where a board (or the meeting hosts) could dial in from remote locations and participants can follow the meeting proceedings, ask questions and vote online – this appears to be increasingly likely based on recent travel restrictions.

Since the emergence of Coronavirus, and as more and more countries mandate social distancing measures, our product roadmap has been put ‘on hold’.  Development teams have been working on new solutions to cater for fully virtual, fully remote meetings where everyone involved (including organisers, presenters, hosts, board members, etc.) are able to connect remotely and run the meeting.  We do not offer traditional video broadcasting services (for example where a cameraman travels to the location of the directors), but instead are able to offer audio and/or audio and slides.

4. Hygiene Practice 


4.1.   People

As stated above, our approach is to follow the urgent advice as issued by respective authorities.  Hygiene clearly is at the forefront of this and we have already put many measures and controls in place amongst our teams (whether office-based, remote or on-site).  These include, but are not limited to;

  1. Regular and thorough handwashing
  2. Disposable gloves
  3. Tissues (‘Catch It, Bin It, Kill It’)
  4. Hand sanitisers
  5. Glasses
  6. Social distancing (i.e. avoiding unnecessary contact)


4.1.1. Working from Home

Regardless of region, we have segregated all Operations staff from our office-based workers.  Wherever possible (including Operations staff), all staff are working from home.

4.2.   Hardware

Similar to our people, we are ensuring that we have sufficient measures and controls in place to reduce the chances of cross-contamination between physical surfaces.  All hardware such as hand-held keypads, laptops, touch screens and ancillary equipment is now being thoroughly disinfected/sanitised between use.

We have temporarily reassigned the responsibilities of certain roles and have done much research into the Coronavirus (which is ongoing).  Some of our findings and new procedures are outlined in the following sub-sections.


4.2.1. Labelling/Signage

  1. All equipment is disinfected after use and labelled clearly to show this procedure has taken place. 
  2. Notices are clearly displayed at all events stating this disinfectant procedure is being adhered to. 
  3. Further notices are displayed explaining our personal hygiene is a top priority and there should be visible hand sanitisers for our operators on display.


4.2.2. Disinfectant

This is a new virus, and due to the group type of the virus the following is being considered before choosing any disinfectant wipes, sprays or solutions:

  1. Alcohol-based products work well on electronic equipment and they should contain at least 70% alcohol.
  2. Ingredients should state Isopropyl alcohol (2-propanol), also known as isopropanol or IPA with minimum of 70% present.

Isopropyl alcohol, particularly in solutions between 60% and 90% alcohol with 10 – 40% purified water, is rapidly antimicrobial against bacteria, fungi and viruses.  Once alcohol concentrations drop below 50%, usefulness for disinfection drops sharply.  Notably, higher concentrations of alcohol don’t generate more desirable bactericidal, viricidal or fungicidal properties.

The presence of water is a crucial factor in destroying or inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microorganisms with isopropyl alcohol.  Water acts as a catalyst and plays a key role in denaturing the proteins of vegetative cell membranes.  70% IPA solutions penetrate the cell wall more completely which permeates the entire cell, coagulates all proteins, and therefore the microorganism dies.  Extra water content slows evaporation, therefore increasing surface contact time and enhancing effectiveness.

Please note that the products chosen must state they are safe for all surfaces to ensure we cause no lasting damage to our equipment.

Disposable gloves are worn when cleaning the equipment, removed after the cleaning process and disposed of safely.  Hands are cleaned immediately and thoroughly after the removal of gloves.


4.2.3. ‘One Touch’ Solution

We encourage meeting organisers and registrars to adopt a ‘one touch’ solution.  This allows meeting attendees (delegates, members, shareholders, etc.) to collect their own sanitised handset from the charging case and insert their own sanitised smartcard.  At the end of the event, the attendee removes the smartcard from the keypad and places it into a bin or bag provided and then returns their handset back into the charging case.

4.2.4. Moving Equipment from Event to Event

In some unavoidable circumstances, our hardware may be shipped directly from one meeting venue to another.  For these rare occasions we have new processes and procedures in place to ensure the same level of sanitisation/disinfection of hardware can be applied as would normally be if the equipment was being shipped back to Lumi’s premises between events.  These procedures should be considered, and we ask customers to factor this in when booking personnel and access to venues.  For example, in some cases Lumi may need an additional day prior to the event starting where they can access and prepare the equipment.  Please contact us for more information.


4.3.   Onsite

Our teams have delivered many global events since the outbreak of Coronavirus.  We are flexible to the needs of individual customers and venues and have been adapting our work methods to ensure the safe and successful delivery of events.

4.3.1. Working Spaces

We are asking customers and venues to provide enough space onsite so that we can divide that allocated space into two designated areas.  This can be completed with signage, barriers, tape on the floor, etc. and ideally, the two areas are separated by at least 10 metres.  One area is clearly labelled “Items disinfected and ready to use” (or similar).  As items are returned after use, they should be returned to the second area labelled “Warning!  Used equipment – gloves to be worn at all times” (or similar).  Equipment should be placed in this second area after use and packed away ready for shipment back to Lumi premises where it will be sanitised/disinfected.


4.4.   Our customers

If you have any concerns, questions or would like to know more about any of the steps we have been taking, then please contact us.  We are happy to share information and provide advice or more detail around the specific measures we are putting in place, or customer requests that we have been able to satisfy.

5. Employee Travel History 

We understand and appreciate the need to maintain an accurate travel history of our employees and any persons working on behalf of Lumi (freelancers, contractors, etc.).

How are we preparing for this?  We have already updated our procedures and developed our systems to log more accurate travel data of people and equipment.  Our workforce (understanding of the nature of the situation and waiving any concerns around privacy) are voluntarily providing any personal travel data in these records.

This contact data can be made available to customers (i.e. if strictly required by authorities), providing it is shared securely.  Please contact us for more information.


6. Information Security 

As with many modern businesses, our Information Security Management System is largely cloud-based.  As such, our compliant processes and procedures remain unaffected throughout the current situation.  Please rest assured that with regard to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your data - we are not currently impacted by Coronavirus, nor do we feel there is any additional risk posed to the security and privacy of your data or the data of the customers you represent.  We remain flexible in the changing situation and continue to treat information security as seriously as usual.  Should the event arise, for example, where we are recommended to work from home, this will not change our ability to protect your information.

7. Contacting Us 

If you have direct contact with us through any of our offices and teams then please feel free to continue to contact us through those existing channels.

If you are unsure, or unable to contact one of the team, then the best way to get in touch with us is by visiting our website https://www.lumiglobal.com.  We have contact details for all our regional offices, a team of LiveChat agents who can assist and a support team ready to help (contact support@lumiglobal.com).


8. Document Revision History 

Version Publish Date Author(s) Owner(s) Description of changes
0.1 2 March 2020 Dave Palmer (Head of Information Security) Richard Taylor (Chief Executive Officer New document drafted for review.  Content collaborated on between Head of Infosec and CEO.
0.3 4 March 2020 Dave Palmer (Head of Information Security) Richard Taylor (Chief Executive Officer Draft version for approval.  Slight changes made to wording and typos corrected following review of Marketing dept.
1.0 4 March 2020 Dave Palmer (Head of Information Security) Richard Taylor (Chief Executive Officer Published version, approved by the CEO.
1.1 17 March 2020 Dave Palmer (Head of Information Security) Richard Taylor (Chief Executive Officer Draft version for review and input from Marketing.  Updated and added content based on latest changes to situation and new procedures implemented.
1.3 17 March 2020 Dave Palmer (Head of Information Security) Richard Taylor (Chief Executive Officer Draft version for approval.
2.0 17 March 2020 Dave Palmer (Head of Information Security) Richard Taylor (Chief Executive Officer Published version, approved by CMO on behalf of CEO.

This version approved by: Chief Marketing Officer (on behalf of Chief Executive Officer)

9. Document Classification 

This Lumi document has been classified as ‘Public’.  This means that Lumi has deemed that the information contained herein is freely available outside of the business or is intended for public use