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Virtual AGMs: how to maximise attendance and engagement

Gone are the days when AGMs were hosted in one room, completely in person. 

In 2023, virtual meetings are no longer viewed as a knee-jerk reaction to extraordinary circumstances during the pandemic. The reality is virtual meetings are essential, not only for good governance, but to ensure greater accessibility for investors.  

So, how can you take your virtual meeting to the next level to maximise attendance and engagement?  

Embracing Q&As  

Embracing digital solutions at your next virtual AGM will allow discussion to thrive. Solutions such as virtual microphones and built-in messaging tools enable virtual participants to ask questions within the natural flow of a meeting and guarantee their voices are heard.     

Questions can either be pre-recorded or presented live during the meeting, providing shareholders with extra flexibility. Built-in messaging functionality also allows board members and appointed moderators to send direct replies to shareholders throughout the meeting, improving live communication and engagement.  

Online voting technology  

Voting and polling is an integral part of any meeting. With businesses adopting a virtual first approach, it’s imperative that virtual attendees have the same rights as those who attend in-person.  

Electronic voting allows for seamless integration for those attending in-room vs virtually. For example, Lumi’s pre-voting platform allows participants to cast their votes and questions days, weeks or even months before the meeting. Kiosk voting also gives meeting participants the opportunity to electronically cast their vote at any point during the meeting whilst the voting is open.  

This technology provides immediate, on-screen feedback giving voters the security of knowing their vote has been counted and reassurance their voice has been heard.  

Keep it simple   

When businesses are embracing new technology, they must make sure it’s easy to access for all shareholders. Providing investors with significant information regarding both the AGM agenda and a guide to the technology will not only increase attendance, but also engagement, as all participants will feel comfortable and well-informed during the meeting.   

It’s also critical that your business has a clear understanding of how to use the technology in place to allow you to monitor and respond to questions and announce the results of any polling in real-time.  

For advice on how to embrace new solutions and run a successful virtual meeting, get in touch today: https://www.lumiglobal.com/contact